At old Parliament house. 1 St may from 2.30 _4 30 pm
"While we're driving our swanky cars, playing our brand new play stations, there's a migrant worker that bought a table so that he could spend his weekends writing poetry in his bedroom. And people say they aren't educated?"Md Mukul is a fresh faced 25 year old from Bangladesh. Like many he works in construction- and he also writes poetry, novels and short stories.I would describe him further, but he articulates his story far better :"Everything in my life changed because of money, like the affection of my parents, love from other family members, studies, some dreams of life, my singing of songs – everything has been lost just for the lack of money. Because all the responsibilities for maintaining my family depend on me since the early years of my life. It is not enough that I earn by burning in the sun and working in pouring rain. Even like that, sometimes my family members misunderstand me. Then the fire would burn in my heart. Then the movement caused by my writing would please my heart. Then I forget my uncomfortable thinking and go to my poem world which I love like my child and write poems to open the door of my life.Because of my writing habit, a lot of people misunderstand me. Once I saw a dream – that I will be a professor of Bangla subjects. But now, it is impossible in my life. Still, it hit me in the core of my mind. So every day I write. With the blessing of Allah, help and affection of all, I got a chance to publish this book in Singapore, Me Migrant, translated into English from Bangla. It is not only my achievement; it is the achievement of my country, Bangladesh, and the persons who have always supported me in my happiness and sadness." -Mukul, an extract from his book (via ethos books)Mukul dreamt that one day he'll be an author. And now he is.Mukul will be officially launching his book on 1 May at the Old Pariliament house, from 2.30pm - 4.30pm.
See samples from his book at
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