Saturday, April 30, 2016

Adopt a Rohingya child

Adopt a Rohingya child @ 80 Malaysian ringgit a month, strictly for their school/education expenses
Mdm Soraya, who has been appointed by United Nations, to be the Project Director of the Rohingyas Refugees in JB. 
Soraya shared with us her involvement with the Rohingyas families and children.
The main issue affecting the children of concern is, lack of access to public education, and social participation of any sort.
As such the Rohingyas and the Myanmar Moslim population are missing out on educational opportunities. 
The various refugee communities are scattered throughout Malaysia.
Living mostly in the Klang Valley.
There are no Refugee Camps in JB. The Rohingya refugees families are living mainly near construction sites, living on housing areas where up to 40 people living side by side.
Mostly in low cost flats.
The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) has set up about 129 community schools all over Malaysia specially for the Rohingyas children.
There are 3 schools in JB, Tampoi school is one of them, where some of our WOW volunteers visited last month, and gave some cash donations & gifts. 
Madam Soraya shared with all of us on how she and her team have been helping these Rohingyas in JB with the goal to give these refugees, ESP their children, a better future. 
They introducing a scheme - Adopt a child @ 80 ringgit a month, strictly for their school/education expenses. 
Madam Soraya  JB +60 12 708 8403

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