Monday, November 30, 2015 November 2015.
Focus on cleaning doors of public Loos

I am glad the Restroom Association Singapore will be conducting more surprise toilet checks from next year ("Dirty eatery toilets a no-go for diners"; Monday), and that this may extend beyond toilets accredited by its Happy Toilet Programme to other public toilets.
From my observations of community centre toilets, I notice that the cleaners spray them with water but do not appear to use any disinfectant or cleaning agents.
More emphasis should be given to the washing of doors and door handles of toilets on a regular basis, as such areas are where most of the germs are found.
The high volume of people using public toilets means a huge amount and variety of bacteria are deposited on the door handles.
Even though one may wash ones hands thoroughly before leaving a public toilet, one is still going to touch the door handle once more on exiting the toilet.
Toilets should be designed with doors that open automatically so that one need not touch the door after washing one's hands.
Some places in Singapore, such as the Botanic Gardens, have such toilet doors.
Shamim Moledina

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