Saturday, May 5, 2012

Brahma Kumaries world Spiritual University

The Contrast between Soul consciousness & body Consciousness

Soul Consciousness is derived from experiencing the self as the soul,having understood the definition.I am a point of incorporeal conscient light.The essential elements of my own self are purity,peace,love,power and bliss to the fullest extent. recognizing that the self is this,practicing to be like this,evokes the experience of being just this.Using the mind to envision the self visible,immortal and ultra subtle enables the self to experience itself.I am me... or Om...I am peace. Omshanti becomes your self introduction. You introduce yourself to yourself as a peaceful soul.

Body consciousness is the endless whirling of th emind from one thought to another,associated or disconnected,thought. You indentify yourself as your body, seeing your persona in comparison with others. Perceiving yourself to be greater than or less than the other. negative emotions fuel your inner landscape yet you use a variety of tactics to avoid feeling your feelings. You find yourself constructing plausible masks, which you refine or rplace when their luster dims. You find reasonable justifications for your weak actions.

Thw recommendation is this.Consider yourself to be a soul and focus your mind on the Source,the Supreme power,the Higher Intelligence,God. Go within,

In Loving memory of Aunty/Mummy Shirin

In loving memory of Aunty/Mummy Shirin.
Passed away peacefully on November 23, 2011. Date of birth December 25 1920.

I will always remember what a special person you were to me. You will live forever in my heart, I was touched by your love,care and concern.
You gave me strength and most of all you were a wonderful human being. You regularly kept in touch on email and I will miss that very much.
God knows you were one special lady . I know you have gone to a better place of beauty & no pain.